
Olayinka Oladeji | Many Reasons to Be Grateful

I don’t know if it’s just me, but this year moved really fast. It still feels as though January 2016 was just a few months ago!

Regardless of the pace of the year, and wherever one might be at the moment, the fact that we are still alive, healthy and free to move about without being confined to a particular space or being monitored and evaluated every now and then, requires a deep sense of gratitude to the One who has kept and brought us this far. If we all look back from January up until now, I am very certain we will find reasons to be grateful.

The numerous challenges we might have experienced are not comparable to the number of reasons for which we are grateful. Imagine if you were to pay for the air you breathe. Nevertheless, God, in his kindness, gave us all the most important things of life freely.

Friends, God has indeed been very good and gracious to us all. According to a popular Yoruba proverb, He who knows how to reflect/think will know how to give thanks”. Think about all the things God has done for you. Remember His unconditional Love; recall His grace, mercy, supernatural peace of mind, kindness, protection, provision, blessings, and strength which he has made available to you. How about the career advancement, business opportunities, roof over your head, family, eyes to see with, ears to hear with, healthy heart, kidney, liver, good Digestive system, etc? Indeed, there are a billion reasons to be grateful!

Even for our great country Nigeria, God has kept us together as a country. He has not allowed the scheming and predictions of men that we would break up and seize to exist as a nation to come to reality. Instead, in the face of our challenges, we are still united and stronger. Despite the economic recession, you have got food to eat, some money to spend, shoes and clothes to wear, and a house to live in and cars to drive, indeed my friends, there are numerous reasons to be grateful.

No matter what it is that you are going through, no matter how bad it seems, if you look and think deeper, you will find out that your reasons to be grateful outweigh your reasons to be sad. So wake up and approach each day with the consciousness that God has got your back; He has you engraved in the palms of His hands, and He will never, never leave nor forsake you! “Though a thousand may fall by your side and ten thousand by your right hand, because God is on your side, none will come near you. Only with your eyes will you see the destructions of the wicked”.

Have a progressive and joyful month.

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