Olayinka Oladeji | World Peace Day 2016

A World Desperate for Peace…

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

It is another 21st of September, a day set aside by the United Nations to celebrate World Peace. This year’s celebration with the theme “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, comes amidst so much chaos and troubles all over the world i.e. Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, France, America and even here in Nigeria.

All these countries have their own peculiar challenges they are battling with. But for Syria, the war has really raged for long; thousands of innocent children have been sent to their early graves, many adult cut off in their primes and many young boys and girls lives shortened, and the world seem less bordered, but for how long is the world going to be silent about the plight of the helpless Syrian.

In any war or even in common civil or religious unrest, the helpless, harmless and innocent people especially the children are often the most hit, which is exactly the situation in Syria. I recently saw a CNN clip of a little boy that was rescued from the rubble of a building that was hit by missile or bomb, the CNN reporters were all emotional and teary, but the little boy was obviously traumatized as he didn’t even cry nor show any sign of discomfort, the fear is, such children will only grow up to become hardened, fanatic and if not properly watched and assisted, might turn out to be a big menace to his country and the world at large.

The strategic attacks in France in recent time is really worrisome, the suicide bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkey are terrifying, the missile launch in North Korea is dreadful, the attacks on innocent people in America either by the police or terrorists are very shocking and the continuous unabated subtle attacks by Boko Haram in the north and Fulani Herdsmen across Nigeria are all nothing short of disturbing. All these and other attacks are clear indication of a world desperate for peace.

In as much as this year’s celebration theme “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, suggests solution for the peace that seems to have eluded the world, which is to sustain developments especially in 3rd world countries, but I think it is just a part of the solution and not the real solution. The developed countries are also seeking for peace, so with or without development, the world is obviously desperate for peace.

As a Nigerian proverbs goes “Charity begins from home” for there to be peace in the world, it must starts with us individually, in our hearts, in our homes, in our places of work, in our communities, in our states which will then spread across our country and then the our world at large. Having said all that, the one and only source of peace is our Lord Jesus Christ. The above bible verses say it all. Christ left us with his peace as he was about to leave the world, but still the world is desperately seeking for peace in the wrong places. For us to have peace either in our hearts, homes, workplace, communities, states, countries or in the world, we must embrace Jesus Christ who is the source of true and everlasting peace. As the world commemorates the 2016 World Peace Day, I pray may the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ that passes all human understanding be ours now and always.

As the world commemorates the 2016 World Peace Day, I pray may the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ that passes all human understanding be ours now and always.

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