
6 Habits of Well-Groomed Men

African American Barber Shop Trim

When you look good, you feel good.

Guy steps into the reception and all the ladies do a double take. Gone are the days when guys were dissed for taking their time in the bathroom. Well-groomed men are good for the eyes, the same way beautiful ladies are good food for the eyes.

Well-groomed men don’t just look good, things tend to work out more for them. According to research, they earn more than their scruffier counterparts. Also, looking impeccable also boosts self-esteem, the saying “when you look good, you feel good” really is true.

Well-groomed men:

  1. Visit the barber’s regularly

Well-groomed men know that they don’t need to go about with bushy hair. Therefore, they visit the barber’s regularly – weekly or fortnightly. If they want to transition into an afro, they do it in such a neat way.

  1. Use the correct skin and hair products

There are so many products in the market that one is liable to get confused! Pick staple products like simple skin moisturizers, hair cream, after shave. Facial scrubs aren’t just for women; men use them too – and no, they’re not vain for that, after all, scrubs are used to slough off dead skin. Scrub your face to rid yourself of dead skin and make your face fresh.

Experiment and build up on other products that work for you.

  1. Have a signature scent

Well-groomed men always smell fresh. Find a signature aftershave and perfume. They won’t be cheap, so don’t scrimp on them. Be sure to dab on perfume at your pulse points to make the scent last longer.

  1. Brush regularly

Nothing turns one off like bad breath. Brush regularly and use breath mints after eating spicy food. A white smile coupled with fresh breath, a-okay!

  1. Managing their fuzz

Yes, the beard gang is the in-thing…woohoo! But then, you have got to tame them. Facial hair of any length needs to be tamed and maintained if you want to be taken seriously. If you prefer to shave, do so in a way that you don’t get exposed to infections or develop bumps.

  1. Take care of their feet and hands

Your feet might not be out for everyone to see all the time, but that doesn’t mean that they should smell. Take care of your feet, moisturise after a shower or a bath, and use a pumice stone to scrub any dead skin before slathering a generous amount of moisturiser on it. Well-manicured nails are also good to see on a man.

Now, go forth and slay.