
Chimaoge Okezie, Jr. | Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success

“I know that fear is an obstacle for some people, but for  me, it is just an illusion… Failure always makes me to try harder on the next opportunity. – Michael Jordan.

In 2014, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion in cash and stock, raising its co-owner Brian Acton’s net worth to $3.8 billion. Interestingly, in 2009, Acton was turned down by two of the internet’s fast-rising companies at the time: Twitter and Facebook. He tweeted on August 3rd, 2009 after being rejected: “Facebook turned me down. It was a great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. Looking forward to life’s next adventure.”

Not inspired yet? Alibaba Founder, Jack Ma was rejected from Harvard ten times and was the only person out of 24 applicants at KFC in his town not to get a job!

Human beings have the tendency to pretend about the existence of failure, and often dread being labeled a failure. It is easy to disguise the failed part of our lives or engage in the denial of its existence in our life’s history because we do not want to feel, or look, vulnerable. Every minute of life’s journey is filled with challenges that create for us experiences that shape our mindset. Failure will continue to be a part of life even as more people remain comfortable with just starting out, but scared of starting over again. We misunderstand the value of failure.

However, there is a unique gift in walking in shadows and still seeing the ray of light further. We have all experienced failure at some point; however, it is our ability to learn from failure and leverage on the lessons that will lead us to advancement in life.

In the words of Sir Winston Churchill; “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. Success is not the end of road; it is a journey to infinity. It is a collage of tiny decisions and calculated steps. Failure can be an asset because it is the path that provides countless opportunities to reflect and do better next time. It gives us an opportunity to reward ourselves when we succeed and celebrate our journey.

Success can be achieved when we would embrace failure and build on the benefits it generates. After all, “it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light” – Aristotle.

Welcome to 2017.

Chimaoge Okezie, Jr. 
Minimalist | Banking pays the bills | Jesus Believer