Home Isaac Bakare | Guarding your spirituality through these uncertain times

Isaac Bakare | Guarding your spirituality through these uncertain times

by Damilola Adebayo

2 Timothy 3:1 reads: “ Know this also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” For many of us around the globe right now, the stress, anxiety and uncertainty we all feel as well as the grief we experience when someone we know or love is impacted by the coronavirus takes an emotional toll on our lives. 

When we are isolated, anxious, and experience grief, we look for comfort & ways to cope. But often, the ways we cope are not healthy or helpful. For example, around the world, we see rising alcohol & drug use, overeating, pornography, online gambling, and other vices. This reminds me of that Bible verse we just read: The Devil looks to devour us – especially in our times of weakness.

But the Spirit of God, who gives life, is ever-present and He wants to lead you in this season. I believe He wants to use this season to build into your life, health, wholeness, and depth of faith. 

Uncertain times are here because these are the last days. Things are as unstable and it is because men are as corrupt as they come. The actions of the United Nations, countries, governments and NGOs have not worked to make the earth better. The world is taking on a new carnal shape even with technology getting better.

As Christians, we are trying our best to both educate ourselves and other people on how to pull through in all sorts of situations, but in actual fact, we feel more in danger, not safer. This is because all these actions cannot save the earth. The earth is already destined to fold up according to God’s plan as a new earth and heaven will be established. 

A believer living in these uncertain times is different. Every believer is differentiated by the consciousness of his/her spirit. God has prepared a place for those that believe in him. As Jesus said in the Book of John, In my Father’s mansion, there are many rooms and He goes to prepare a place for us. This is wonderful and it is true but while we are on earth, we must deal with the uncertainties of life as they are unavoidable.

How do we guard our spirituality through uncertainty?

However, I want to tell us that we cannot guard our spirituality nor our Life through our own power. Our uncertainty is further dampened from depending on ourselves. 

The way to guard our spirituality is to surrender our entire life to God. We must come to rest and trust God to keep us in our spiritual life. So what are the signs of surrendered life? 

A surrendered life goes in the direction of His lord. So what are the signs and steps to a life of surrender? A surrendered life would have a hunger for new souls. God goes after souls and so surrendered will be hungry for souls. 

A life surrendered to God is also a humble life, not haughty. It never seeks for him/herself so there is no pride. 1 Peter 5:6-7 says; “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

 A life of surrender holds on to nothing and is dead to things and willing to give. This is also the time to totally put our faith in God more instead of our bank account or skills.

Finally, prayer is the greatest weapon we have against the powers that seek to destroy us. When you are feeling stressed and anxious about changes going on around the world. Pray these prayers for uncertain times and be filled with the peace that only our Father in heaven can provide!
LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, I praise and thank you for your sovereign power and love. I cast my life on you today through these uncertain times. Renew my perspective and bring me your peace. Allow me to walk with you today and remind me to fix my eyes on you when the uncertainties of this life seem overwhelming or whenever I feel anxious. I love and trust you, my Rock and Redeemer. Amen.

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